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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Meet our friend, Heather from 31!

Wash the clothes… do the dishes… feed the baby… scrub the spit-up off the couch… attempt to make something that resembles a dinner… clean the house… and don’t get me started on the laundry! My name is Heather Terhune (a.k.a. Brayden’s mommy, funny how your identity changes after having a baby. All you parents out there know exactly what I am talking about!) I am a full time 2nd grade teacher,  wife to a very supportive husband, mommy of 2, one being a furry 5 year old Shina Inu, Niko, and most recently a Thirty-one consultant. I literally feel like I conquer the world each day.

I love meeting new people and changing lives. I chose to be a teacher to change the lives of little kiddos each day by showing them love, compassion, happiness, and a passion for learning. I am able to share this same passion with women. Thirty- One is all about celebrating, rewarding, and encouraging women while getting organized at the same time. They strive to support women for who they are and all they do. Thirty-One has become my “mommy outlet” providing me with the much needed “me” time!

Once I got started I realized Thirty-One offers much more than cute bags and having a party.

It is so convenient to just shop from home after my baby goes to bed. Let’s face it once you have a baby going to the store for something as simple as a gallon of milk is a journey. I also can’t get enough of the FREE stuff! Hosting a party is fun and easy and Thirty-One spoils hostesses with free items, half price items and exclusives! Shopping  if fun, hosting is great, but being a consultant is amazing! The perks are endless!

I could go on an on about all of the great things Thirty-One has to offer for you! During the month of June you not only get all of the perks of being a party hostess but you also get a large utility tote for $10 when you spend $35! That’s a savings of $25! Mention this article and I will give you an extra $10 to spend at your party that you book with me or place a single order June 17-23 and I will offer you a large utility tote for $5 after you spend $35!

You can always call or e-mail me to request a catalog, place an order, or talk Thirty-One! 563-484-1440 or e-mail terhune4@ymail.com or visit my site at mythirtyone.com/heatherterhune.

GIVEAWAY TIME! Comment below with your favorite thing to do for ME time? I will give a free thermal filled with fun things for mommy at the Anniversary party on Thursday! Can’t wait to see you!

A BIG Thank you to Heather for hosting this AMAZING giveaway to TCOT fans!


  1. When I get mommy time. . I sleep!

  2. I don't get much me time but when I do I just love tanning. Relaxing 15 minutes is all I need.

  3. Reading a book! I have 4 kiddos so it doesn't happen often!

  4. Getting my hair done, or on rare occasions, a massage!

  5. SHOWER ALONE (haha!) Or get a pedicure.

  6. Winner for this 31 prize is comment #2!!!
    (number chosen at random!)
    Suzi, your prize will be ready for pick up at the party tonite!
