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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

When your WHY is strong, the How will be clear

So today I’m going to brag on AdvoCare a bit. I want to tell all of you WHY I do AdvoCare as a business, what we stand for and how it’s really become a way of life rather than trying to sell vitamins to anyone that breathes.


AdvoCare is 20 years old this year and we have 2 things...Products to make you look and feel the best you have ever felt, and a vehicle to make as little or as much money as you want. The reason most people say the products don’t work for them is because they either didn’t use them at all or didn’t eat right with them. They aren’t miracle pills. You have to eat a somewhat healthy diet and move your body. I love them because they are safe and I have no doubts giving my girls a snack bar or rehydrate over juice. When I started AdvoCare, I only took Spark, Catalyst and Thermoplus and lost 8 lbs. and a jean size in 2 weeks. No one can tell me they don’t work. Now I take many other products depending on my workouts and goals but these are consistent. Also, there is no better feeling that getting someone on product and them getting the results they wanted. Breaking through a plateau, losing that baby weight or getting the jump start they needed to be healthy.

The other side of AdvoCare is the opportunity to make money. Why do I do AdvoCare?

AdvoCare means sleeping in with my girls and getting to cook them bacon and eggs every morning. It means getting to go to a perfectly good and uninhabited playground on a Monday because everyone else is at work or daycare. AdvoCare is getting the CHOICE to only work 1 day a week, because I don’t HAVE to work more. AdvoCare will pay for my daughters school, clothes, food, vacations (just paid for my Florida trip). and many other things. It’s the freedom to not have to answer to a time clock and be paid for the work I earned not an hourly wage. It’s how many people I can impact either with the products or business and love them where they’re at. AdvoCare has honestly helped me dream again like when we were little. I went to a training a couple weeks ago and Ron Reynolds who is in corporate just put it into perspective.

Just a few facts.

By the age of 30, we have not only failed to achieve the dreams we had when we were children, but have forgotten what the dreams were.

When the WHY is Strong, The How Becomes easy.
 Most people are burnt out on their career by the time they’re in their mid 30’s because it was never their passion. I’m not saying everyone hates their job but Think about it. Maybe you wanted to be an artist? Then you were told you can’t do that, you’ll never make any money. So you go into a profession where there is more money like accounting. You go to 5 years of college and get a job where it’s good money, get a spouse, house, 2 cars, motorcycle, 3 kids and then 5 years down the road you wonder,
 “ How in the heck did I get here?” WHY am I here? I’m not saying my children aren’t a good enough purpose but I want to give them more than picking a vacation on what I can afford. Some people have never been dead broke. Well I have and it’s absolutely stressful. I know what it’s like to put $5 in my checking so it won’t have an overdraft. I know how to live on $20 a week for gas and food. I know what it’s like to not even want to go by the toy section in Target because I know I’ll have to say no and get frustrated when my girls ask for a new baby doll. Not because I don’t want to get it for them but, we need diapers, wipes and milk instead. I don’t want to live like that and will not live like that ever again. What kind of dreams do you have for your children? Or yourself? I mean real, crazy, travel the world, no worries kind of dreams?

AdvoCare makes me think of these things. I challenge you to write down 2 lists.

One is 100 things you want but don’t have.

Don’t hold back. It doesn’t have to be all materialistic.

Some of mine are more confidence, boldness, one house the girls feel at home.

The other is 100 things you have but don’t want.
Like self doubt, debt, etc.

 It will amaze you what will happen. Dreams you were too scared to think about because you know they may never come true start popping up.
Hope is a beautiful thing. :)

All I know is when I started AdvoCare 3 years ago I couldn’t see more than $500-$1000 a month and now I make $2500-$3000 and I’m on track to be making $6-7k this summer. And doubling that in the next year. What if $6,000.00 was direct deposited into your checking account every month? How would that affect your bills, where you decide to live, what you drive, where you vacation? I’m not saying money is the answer to everything but it can give you the opportunity to have choices. The choice to not work overtime, or be able to get that new house with more space, or not worry about getting your kids to daycare on time so you aren’t late to work.

This is what AdvoCare does for me and My WHY is so strong the HOW is easy. It’s so clear that no one can tell me otherwise. If you are wanting more in life I’d love to help you. Whether that be $100 a month to pay an extra bill or $5k a month to change your future. :)

Happy Friday!

I’m going to give away an assorted box of spark (14 pouches) and a BOTTLE of Catalyst!!! $55 value!!

It’s job is to double the fat burning while you work out or are active. It goes into your muscle and protects it while shredding the fat and burning it as energy. MY FAVORITE PRODUCT. A woman I known lost 100 lbs. in the past year doing this and spark!! Talk about life changing! And done the healthy way.

So if you want this prize comment on what your dream or passion is and be specific!! Can’t wait! Have an awesome weekend!!


  1. I'm unsure if this post is still valid or not. But my all time passion is cooking! I absolutely love it. At 21 years old I was promoted to assistant kitchen manager at outback steakhouse! I love cooking for every one, but especially my family. My baby girl will be starting solids in about 2 months and I am very excited to be making her meals and purees fresh at home :)
