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Thursday, April 25, 2013


My basement flooded!

My house is almost 20years old and has never had water, we moved in less than a year ago and we get the water.

 Figures, just my luck, lol.

We were pretty lucky, I heard some horror stories of people having to tear out dry wall and trim, and loosing everything that was in the basement, yikes! We had to tear up some carpet and padding and lost some items that had been on the floor, but all in all not too aweful. It was a FULL day of work, 5:30am-11pm, and now we just need to get everything back into our storage room. I am so thankful for my parents! My husband was out of town for work so they all stepped in to lend a hand...or five! We needed lots of fans, squeegies(sp?), muscles, trucks, garbage bags and help with the kids. Did I mention how thankful I am for them!?

Did I also mention that this happened on my husbands second day of his new job? I'm not really sure who I felt worse for, me for having to deal with it all or him for just having to be at work and feel bad because he couldn't be here to help. Well, let's be real, of course I felt worse for me! Lol, especially the next day when I was soar in places I really didn't know I could be soar. Who knew squeegeeing the floor could cause pain??? The extremely heavy, wet carpet, yes, I knew that would cause some soar arms and back, but the cuts and scrapes on my hands were the worst.

We tried calling every clean up business in town and they were all booked for two to three days out! Thank goodness we just had rain water and could manage most of the clean up on our own. I have a serious appreciation for people who do this work everyday!

One last thing, we were very lucky to have a flood addendum on our home owners insurance policy. Do you have one? Not every policy includes water, so do yourself a favor and go check it out before something like this happens to you! We all think it won't happen to me, I thought so too.

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