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Friday, April 19, 2013

Little Things Add Up~By Libby

Today I want to talk about how those little things you do in life add up to big things. I’ve felt like I’ve been off lately. It’s hard when you’re not in that “want to workout/eat clean zone”. The past few weeks I have been traveling a lot and have not had time to work out. The problem with me is that I want to work out hard for at least an hour but I’ve come to realize that’s just not reality. Kids, appointments, cleaning the house, errands, work, etc can definitely get in the way.
So..I’ve started to commit to FIRST getting my eating habits down. Bigger breakfast so I’m snacking less all day (eat lots of protein!!) LOTS of water. I drink a glass with my vitamins before breakfast and one after. It is so true that you can’t out train a bad diet. Sometimes when I’ve been working out hard and see results I think, “Oh its just a couple of the girls fries or bite of Mac and Cheese.” Not good thinking on my part.
If I can eat clean and for me clean means, no cheese, breads, pasta, lots of veggies, lean protein, no fruit after 3, no dinner after 7. If I can do that and stay on track then about 30-40 min of exercise will STILL give me great results because I’m not trying to burn off that extra cookie or slice of pizza but now I have the food my body needs and burning off that extra badonkidonk and turn it into a badinkadink..:) God willing..lol
So today I’m going to challenge whoever is reading this to do one thing a day that will push you in the direction of whatever your goal is. Do laundry squats, (putting the laundry on the floor and squatting down to pick up each one to fold) If you have kids, you may have your 30 min in right there. You won’t believe how much better you’ll feel and my girls sometimes will do them right along with me.
Drink one more glass of water when you feel like you’re hungry and maybe just bored.
I’ve realized after having kids, you have to do things differently than before. I can’t eat everything I want and not gain 10 lbs. in a week.
I want to share a link to an article about why women shouldn’t just get on the treadmill for an hour and think that will solve your weight problems.

Seriously do 5 sets of 15-20 squats with as much weight (10,20,30,40, your child)  as you can do.
My workout the monday while my girls were napping.
Set of  30 Squats with a 30 lb dumbbell.

I have a lane that I ran down (total distance 1/3 of each time) Ran not sprinted so if you can’t run fast then start slow, even if you have to walk.

Then 30 walking lunges
I did that 4 times...it took me 25 min and I was pretty sore the next day. If you lift or use resistance bands you will get better results than hopping on a treadmill or eliptical for an hour.
I promise you. www.powersystems.com has some very cheap bands, $3-6

Snack I love!! Greek Yogurt with Honey and Fruit!
I love that greek yogurt is really high in protein and really love in sugar and carbs. For me I get a serving of yogurt and put honey, cut up half an apple, blueberries, strawberries, or rasberries. I also love walnuts of sliced almonds for that crunch. The possibilities are endless!


What the thermoplus will do is boost your metabolism and burn extra calories. When I started taking AdvoCare products I started with SPARK, Catalyst and Thermoplus and lost 8 LBS in 2 WEEKS!  For a mother of twins I felt great and I think after children and getting closer to 30...eeek! I can’t eat like I used to so the thermoplus really helps me boost my metabolism. If you’re interested in trying it out a bottle is only $31.5 and will last you over a month! Think about that! June is in about 7 weeks so you could really get ready for that swimsuit within that time!

As always, thank you for taking the time to read this and have a fantastic weekend!!
..OH YEA... Let’s GIVE something AWAY!!
How about.....An AdvoCare SAMPLER!!!
OUR NEW DARK CHOCOLATE MEAL SHAKE!!! (just tried them this week and it’s seriously gets hits the spot for my chocolate fixin!

3 Flavors of Spark
PRO 20- Great for people that may not get enough protein or a serious BOOST before a workout (took a min off my mile) OR recovery after a workout

If you are going for this, comment what your favorite kind of exercise is!!

Hope you win!!! :)

The winner will be picked at random and will be announced Sunday morning!

*this prize will be available for pick up at the trunk show on Monday night, see link to event for more info TCOT Trunk Show at The Grape Life


  1. Pilates! And lifting weights :)

  2. long walks with the kids in the stroller :)

  3. taking a long walk with my daughter :)

  4. Jogging with the jogging stoller ;)

  5. By random selection our winner for this weeks Advocare goodie bag is Cassie Beard!!! Congrats! We'll see you at the trunk show tomorrow night for pick up. If you need more info on the trunk show click the link "TCOT Trunk Show at The Grape Life" above in the blog entry
