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Friday, April 26, 2013

Trying to be something I'm not

Sooo.... I like to workout and eat clean for the most part. But sometimes I don’t. I want to eat ice cream, and french fries and lots and lots of chocolate. Gosh it’s so different being a woman nowadays than it was 50 years ago. Yes, we could have stayed at home and JUST raised our kids. lol Now we have to do everything. Literally. Do you guys feel that way sometimes? I don’t just mean laundry, dishes, cooking, mom. I mean WOMAN EMPIRE! A woman owning a business was unheard of even 30-40 years ago even which isn’t that long ago. Making the dough and the playdough if you know what I mean. I feel a lot of pressure to do it all, especially maybe because I’m a mom that’s on her own..(hate that “single-parent” word) My daughters have a father, I’m just not married to him, nor do I take pity on myself because it was my choice to leave. Anyways... it is hard to see realistically how I can look like these women on Facebook. And I let myself feel bad because of it. Yes I am really proud of my abs but I’m nowhere near perfect. I have a booty and these are the pictures I compare myself to.......

 Yea...setting myself up for failure..so yesterday when I ate two of my daughters mini (tiny bite size) snickers , I then think to myself...Libby, why did you do that? Now you’ll never look like that girl, that 40 min workout was for nothing, whole day shot, eat whatever you want, may as well give up, I think I see each snickers absorbed into each thigh, just gained 2 pants sizes EPIC FAILURE...

Wow, that was a bit dramatic, but that’s how I feel?!Why do I let myself feel that way?

I don’t have her body, I don’t have her goals, her metabolism, her job, life, etc. Get the drift?

I think women beat themselves up over comparing to each other when I have to remember to just be the best I can be. I know that was corny but it’s true.

I can tell you there will be setbacks, heck I had a few of the girls curly fries last night...It happens. But I try not to let it happen everyday, because I do have goals. I’m not where I want to be but I have got to stop looking at all these other women in the magazines and understand no one is as hard on me as I am. No one cares more than I do of what my thighs look like in a swim suit. So here’s a picture ...I just went to Florida a few weeks ago and am really happy with everything else except my legs. So the whole time I’m focusing on that when I’m not proud of what I’ve already accomplished. So I’m just a “Work in Progress” and I hope every woman or man that reads this that is getting to any goal whether it be business, physically, financially or emotionally that you look to where you were one week ago, month ago, year ago or 5 years ago and if it’s progress, pat yourself on the back and tell yourself out loud how proud you are of yourself. Progress is progress no matter how small. You’ll get there.


There’s so much in this world going against you that you may to to fight for what you want more than others do. I was thinking to myself the other day how easy it is for me to gain and lose muscle in a short amount of time. Why can’t I just be naturally skinny like some? Those people that can eat whatever they want and be the same size their whole life. I WANT A STINKING BREAD BOWL OF BROCCOLI CHEESE SOUP FROM PANERA !!!ahh..had to get that one out..:)


Then I think..these struggles that I have to deal with make me a stronger person and for that I am grateful.

So what makes you different? Embrace it then change something if you don’t like how you’re life is going.


Usually I write these blogs on Thursday nights because lets face it..I’m a procrastinator. BIG TIME. This week I started this on Monday and through the whole week tried to just love me for me and focus on what my body CAN do more than it can’t. It’s amazing what happened. My sister and I went to breakfast yesterday morning at Nostalgia Farms in the freighthouse in downtown Davenport...FYI The best Denver omelet ever. Anyways they have baked goods like homemade biscotti, muffins, breads and there was a lemon cupcake to die for. Usually I would think to myself..Libby..just wait until that cupcake goes right to your thighs...AND you know what?! IT DIDN’T! It tastes so yummy and my sweet tooth was gone for the day. I learned that I can still have treats, love myself and quit being paranoid that other people are picking me apart. They are probably doing it to themselves.

My recipe...Go eat a cupcake:)

Workout..I challenged myself lately to just do 30 minutes of anything whether it be a walk, run with my girls at the park, put a timer on for 30 min and do push ups, air squats, lunges, side lunges! Have an amazing weekend!

ADVOCARE- I’m going to start a challenge next week for anyone that’s interested. KEEP POSTED NEXT WEEK FOR DETAILS! It’s going to be a LEAN IN 13 which is a few products that will catapult you into that summer goal whatever it may be! AND A GIVEAWAY to the winner!!!


Check out the Facebook Page Called Body Image Movement

Most of the time the “before and after" are sad girl to “perfect” body but this woman said she loved her body just as much on stage in a figure competition as she did sitting buck naked posing...love it. I need more of this in my life..

LIKE THIS PAGE..It’s the real deal on loving who you are for you. :)


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