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Friday, March 28, 2014

Meet the Woman behind the Makeup Brush! Brittany Chevelle, QCA Make up Artist

Let's get to know a little more about our favorite makeup Artist, Brittany Chevelle!!!
To find out more about Brittany, check out her fb page HERE

What inspired you to start in your field? How long have you been at it?

The creativity and expression that makeup artistry offers, just to each person doing their own makeup. I loved being able to share my passion and knowledge with women who had never been taught these skills, or had the interest in wanting to use makeup but not sure how to apply it, and what products to purchase.

I have been in the field professionally for over 6 years, but using my creative skills for about 10.

What has surprised you about your career?
That you never will know everything there is to know. You can always learn more skills, and because it is such a creative process, you can appeal to all kinds of kind people. And that's the great thing about this field, is that I get to meet people from all kinds of backgrounds and diversities.


What has surprised you about becoming a mother?
 I was surprised at how fast time goes by. How your wants and needs change completely, and you make sacrifices, and sometimes give up the things you once enjoyed, so you can spend more time with your child. I don't spend an hour primping myself each day like I used to. I loved that "getting ready" time, but now I realize that their are more important things that have to be done. Now, I might do my makeup and hair once a week! haha


What are some of your favorite mom duties? Least favorite?
I love teaching my daughter through songs, books, and everyday moments. I try to use every day occurrences as lessons. My husband and I sing what we are doing, or narrate everything we do! haha

I would say, meal preparations are my least favorite. I like to feed my family home-cooked meals, so it's important to me to plan them. However, it's not always my favorite chore.

What do you love about living in the QCA?

I love the big city-small community feel. Everyone here is connected somehow, through someone that you know. It's pretty amazing. We have so much to do here, and ways to connect with others.

Who/what inspires you?
My husband is my biggest pusher. He wakes up ready to start the day and get things done. I, on the other hand, need to wake up for at least an hour! haha He really is such do-er. I can say without a doubt that he has motivated me in every possible way to be better and do better.

What is one of your favorite childhood memories associated with your field?

(example: learning to do make up with mom, decorating your room)

So most people don't believe this about me, because I always have my makeup on and hair done (always before having kids!) but I was such a Tom-boy.

I didn't wear much of any makeup until my later years of high school. You couldn't even catch me in a dress growing up. I climbed trees, fell out of them, played football with the boys, and ran around our farm barefoot.

What do you do to "feed your soul?"
Books and art. I love a good book, and most often will finish them within days of beginning them. One of the biggest reasons I love my career is because I am able to express myself through my work, because to me, a face is a canvas, and I get to share that joy with a client when they love how they look.

What kind of advice would you give to someone who is interested in starting a career in your field?

I think real world experience and education are great tools. The more faces, especially faces of all shapes/size/age/ethnicities you can touch, the better you become. It's not about how much makeup you own, or if its the best brands. You have to invest in a solid kit, learn new techniques and trends, and apply them.

Can you tell us some of your favorite blogs to read?

I enjoy "A bowl Full of Lemons" for her great organizational skills and printables.

I also really like "Six Sisters Stuff" for their recipes.

Anything that will help me become a more organized person, and has great recipes! :)

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