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Saturday, December 16, 2017

Gotta love Target for Holiday Shopping!

This is my top 8 favorite Target finds for gifts this Holiday season!

1. ((Great idea for toddlers and preschoolers))My (almost) 2 yr old LOVES Llama Llama and who can blame her?! He's adorable and the books are so much fun!
2. Fisherprice light up mat (babies): My youngest (almost two) now dances around on this mat and its pretty darn cute!
3. ((Stocking stuffers for Tween girls))
Did you know scrunchie's are back "in"? Yep, look around and you will see a lot on the wrists of those teen/tween girls. I actually don't hate it as they are great to avoid breakage.
4. ((more stocking stuffer for girls)) I personally use these in replacement of my regular elastic ties. They actually work in holding your hair and won't cause damage OR those annoying pony tail bumps!!! SCORE!
5. CARD GAMES (great for various ages; I'm linking ones that I play with my 5 and 7 yr old) (UNO, Sushi go, and skip bo)
6. Hooded Sleepers (kindergartners thru tween)
Yes, these crazy one piece sleepers are funny and a hit with not only the younger crowd but also teens! The funnier the better.
7. Awesome gift for 8yr olds thru teen. For the blossoming photographer! These photos are so cute too!
8. ((kids:Boys & Girls)) Santa gave this to my son when he was 2 (he's 7 now) and it still gets played with when friends come over. My 5 yr old and 2 yr old daughters also play with it frequently with their cars/shopkins/animals and they LOVE it.
DON'T FORGET to use your red card and save 5%!
(you can just hook it up to come straight out of your bank acct)

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